Diary for 1999

The following Diary entries were posted on June 28th 2006.

(Please scroll down for subsequent postings)


Holy Communion January 3, 1999 


Only by the Spirit of the Holy One can this regime of unrighteousness be overthrown.  I assure you my son, it will happen.


Lord and Master, the awfulness of your beloved daughter SD’s* experiences in satanic family conditions have been so oppressively on my mind, heart and soul that it is impinging upon the peace of this Service.


My beloved son, the vibrations of the powerful psychic energy sources will always be overawing to those not yet fully restored to the Light.  Remember that these energies are limited and will fade away and lose their oppressiveness.  The desire of your heart for peace, healing, restoration, righteousness, justice and Love will not fade; rather, it will be increased by this revelation.  This will enable your prayers for S to be more powerfully offered up and thus be more effective.  You see how the enemy has such a grip on the affairs of the children of Earth.  Let this awareness strengthen your commitment to me and your acceptance that you, of yourself, cannot set things right.

Only by the Spirit of the Holy One can this regime of unrighteousness be dispelled.  I assure you, my son, it will happen.  Its certainty was assured at the Cross.  I have overcome the enemy’s power over the Earth, and the outworking of the salvation plan is unstoppable.  Therefore I counsel you, let not the awfulness distress you unduly and let it not remove you from the aura of my Peace and stillness, for therein is your certainty and your empowerment in Truth and righteousness and Love and compassion.  Pray, commit, bless until I come in Power.  Truly it is written, The works of the unholy shall be broken as a potters vessel.  Go in peace and the joy of Heaven.  Therein lies salvation.  I am with you always.


After a pause, the Master spoke again:


I need you to be an island of my peace in the ocean of distress in the world around you.


* SD is a lady who was born into a family in which many dark, satanic acts of sexual, emotional, physical and other abuse were practised on her from birth; all ‘in the name of Jesus’.  They are too dreadful to describe here but suffice to say that she has been so deeply traumatised by this wickedness that only Love from the Highest Realms is likely to restore her to inward peace. 



Holy Communion January 10, 1999


According to the desire of your heart shall the Holy Breath, the Spirit of Truth, come upon you and fill you with restored, renewed awareness and the Light and power of that Truth.


Beloved Lord and Saviour Jesus, I love you above all.  My concern is that I know so little.


My son, not by knowledge or understanding but by my Spirit, outpoured freely upon all who are ready and willing to receive it, by faith, by desire, by trust, by obedience and by commitment shall all be revealed to you and to all my chosen ones.  According to the desire of your heart shall the Holy Breath, the Spirit of Truth, come upon you and fill you with restored, renewed awareness and the Light and power of that Truth.

As my servant Paul truly wrote: By faith in me alone comes salvation and the Spirit.  Understanding Papas great plan is hardly something that can be expected of you, especially in your Earth-life consciousness, so it would not be reasonable to expect your redemption to be dependent upon full acquaintance with all of it, would it?  Neither was it with Abraham.  Trust only is required.

To he who earnestly seeks and desires to know, it shall be revealed, according to the state of readiness.  So I counsel you, place all your trust in me and await guidance, revelation, truth to be brought to you by my angels or my messengers. 

I am your teacher and I am bringing your lessons to you.  Do not go out seeking lessons, or teachers, at random.  I will bring to you all that is needful for your going forward according to your readiness.  Have no doubt that all is known to me and that you are under my guiding and protecting according to the covenant that exists between us.  All is well.



Holy Communion January 17, 1999


I became aware that any reluctance to accept the gift of Papas outpouring Love, through self-denial etc, means His love flows over us; He wants us to open to His Love, so that it can flow into us, fill us, overflow us and out to our fellows the rest of Papas creation.


We have gone forward in so much new understanding and awareness this morning it is not possible to capture it in writing.  Some, or much, has been to do with acceptance that the Lord has chosen us for His purposes because we have qualities/potential that are serviceable to His Great God-mission for all mankind.  This is to do with our birth vision, under His authority and empowerment.  Realisation came in that Theresa is bound by the M.E.* as a caterpillar is bound by the chrysalis case so that by Papas Power Holy Spirit He can dismantle the old structure, cell by cell, molecule by molecule and transform all the parts into His New Creation.  This can only happen by the Old creation (the caterpillar) going into a secret place, withdrawing from and ceasing all its former activities and submitting to the transforming Power.

I also became aware that any reluctance to accept the gift of Papas outpouring love, through self-denial etc, means His Love flows over us; He wants us to open to His Love, so that it can flow into us, fill us, overflow us and out to our fellows the rest of Papas creation.

On Thursday night the Holy Breath made known to me that viruses are a creation of the enemy and if we reject him and all his works their impact will have none-effect upon us.  Alleluia!!

Precious Lord and beloved saviour, I give thanks for all the wondrous revelations and blessings of this day.  My heart and soul and mind give praise to Papa for the glory and beauty and wondrousness of His perfect plan for us all.  I give to you, Papa and Jesus, all the honour and glory that Your Love and blessing bestow upon me/us; may it be, by Your Grace, ever thus.  Alleluia!

The hymn Let all the world, in every corner sing, my God and King, came in.


*Otherwise known as Post-viral fatigue syndrome.



Holy Communion January 31, 1999


The Great Purpose goes forward and I assure you that the enemy has no power to prevent it.  This is because its power and authority are of the time and place realms only.  The Purpose is of the Realms of Everlasting, where the destroyer has no part.  The Purpose overshadows the time and place realm and moves forward by the Spirit.


Beloved Lord, we have, by your Spirit, come to much new discernment during the last week or two and I feel the need for consolidation and reassurance in this.


My beloved son, consolidation of new discernment is not of the mind or the understanding but of the Life Force.  It comes from focusing always on the Holy One and upon me, His Christ.  Allow that focus to be the channel by which you absorb the Peace, the equanimity that We radiate out to you.  Let this calm your doubts, uncertainties, anxieties. 

The Great Purpose goes forward and I assure you that the enemy has no power to prevent it.  This is because its power and authority are of the time and place realms only.  The Purpose is of the realms of Everlasting, where the destroyer has no part.  The Purpose overshadows the time and place realm and moves forward by the Spirit.  However much the enemy attempts to stop It or counteract It and it does It is unstoppable; you have seen this to be so.  It presses forward on all fronts. 

As the enemy resists ‘here’, so It remains until resistance ends.  Meanwhile It presses forward ‘there’.  When the enemy moves there to resist, It presses forward ‘here’.  Of course the enemy resists, of course it scores victories but they are only ever of the time and place realms, never of the eternal.  This is why I counsel you, focus only upon the eternal and there you shall see victory.  It shall be for your strengthening and encouragement. 

At these times of Communing the time and place awareness comes into interface with the eternal and exchange of energies and truths can take place.  At such a meeting place much can be accomplished for the faithful, the hungering and thirsting, the halt, maimed and blind.  I counsel you, keep on in this way, that the Glory account of the Holy One may grow and that it may radiate out, to the overshadowing and transforming of all who receive of its Rays.


The following Diary entries were posted on September 13th 2006.

(Please scroll down for subsequent postings)


Holy Communion February 7, 1999


Do you not think that He who is able to transform all insect life, teeming in un-numberable quantity and array on Earth, from pupa to adult, is able also to transform His dearly beloved Children from Earth-operating consciousness and life to their true Glory of resurrection refinement and perfection, according to their individual desire and readiness?


My aunt Madge, who passed over last week and who came visiting to say ‘thank you’ after our prayers for her and presentation of her to the Lord, has come in with Pop.  At the contemplation of the fruit of the vine she spoke the words with me, as if dredged up from a childhood memory, and as she did so, it was as if the Light of the living reality behind the words suddenly came on and she came alive to that new awareness.

Beloved Lord and Saviour, I realise we are at a place of imminent emergence into a new place of being, rather like a butterfly emerging from its chrysalis.


My son, this does not happen by might, power, self-will or anything, save by the Spirit of the Living God.  The caterpillar submits itself to the Transforming Spirit and it is He who performs it.  Do you not think that He who is able to transform all insect life, teeming in un-numberable quantity and array on Earth, from pupa to adult, is able also to transform His dearly beloved Children from Earth-operating consciousness and life to their true Glory of resurrection refinement and perfection, according to their individual desire and readiness?

Indeed, these examples are as covenants for all to bear witness of His Word.  For the transforming, as with all Creation events, is by the Word.  Well you now know that He never breaks His Word.  It is inviolable.

My transforming was the final promise and demonstration so that all who live and believe in me might be so transformed.  This will be accomplished for you, not by you.  Do nothing but allow your desire to respond to the drawing, uplifting, transforming Spirit of the Living Word.  So shall It return to Papa fulfilled in Its purpose.



Holy Communion February 14, 1999


My son, remember that Papa is the Good Husbandman, not you.  The desire of your heart is the fructifying soil, which it is His good pleasure to till, and your faith is the seed that He sows in your heart.  The seed does not worry about growing.  The Husbandman has stored in it all the genetic ingredients so that it can grow if the soil and the cultivating are right for it.


‘We must learn to abandon the falsehood of separation from Papa, for this is the lie of Satan.’ These words came, by the Holy Breath, last night as Theresa and I discussed our relationship to Papa.  He wants us to enter the Holy of Holies and return to joyous, eternal fellowship with Him.  The enemy has insinuated itself between Papa and us and separated us from Him.  If and as we recognise the reality of truth in that, we can repudiate, renounce, reject this lie by the Grace, Love and authority vested in us by the Lord Jesus, and that separation can be immediately terminated.  The only thing standing between us and that termination is our willingness/ability to recognise that Truth: that separation can be immediately terminated.  The lie of Satan is nothing more than a mirage, which evaporates when we confront it from the perspective of eternal Truth and Christ authority.

At the consecration of the wine I said to the Master, you are the Vine and we are the branches in you.  The Master said of the consecrated wine, “This is the symbol of our fruitfulness together, for the sustenance and restoration of many.”  God be praised.


My son, remember that Papa is the Good Husbandman, not you.  The desire of your heart is the fructifying soil, which it is His good pleasure to till, and your faith is the seed that He sows in your heart.  The seed does not worry about growing.  The Husbandman has stored in it all the genetic ingredients so that it can grow if the soil and the cultivating are right for it. 

These are all the concerns of He Who Is Able to provide Light, nurture and protection for the seed.  I assure you, faithful one, that the seed sown in your heart is springing forth, sending down strong, anchoring roots therein. The shoots are reaching outward and upward to the Light.  Of course, in the fallen world surrounding this field of fructifying soil are many tares, pestilences and contrary weather conditions, seeking to damage or even destroy such a crop before ever it can be brought to fruitfulness.

Here, the great resources of inner strength, the deep, anchoring roots and the protective power of the Husbandman to resist such onslaughts shall prevent disaster and shall transform adversity into fulfilment through opportunity.  Opportunity for deeper roots, stronger shoots, greater branches to develop more flowers and to support more fruit in due season.

Take heart and courage from this allegory of Truth Eternal in Papas creation, for it is possible because it witnesses to that Truth at every level of life, including in you.

The Tree holds fast to the Rock into which it has put down roots; the adversity comes in the form of wind and drought and the Tree is able to withstand the buffeting wind even though some leaves may be blown off and some branches broken.  This shall enable new branches and leaves to shoot forth and be equally or more serviceable to fruit-bearing and shelter-giving for passers-by caught by adversity.

The Rock stores inexhaustible supplies of life-giving water to sustain the Tree in times of drought.  Thus is the harvest assured, my son.  All is well for he who endures by faith, trust and obedience.  Peace and Joy eternal be with you always.  I shall never leave you or forsake you.

Praise and glory to God.



Holy Communion February 21, 1999


Remember, I am as close to you as your own thoughts; share them with me openly, for I am trustworthy.  I share with you my ‘mysteries’ as you are able to receive them.


Beloved Lord, I feel more prepared in discernment of Papas Great Plan and how you came to be the messenger of it and to implement it for us, than I have ever done before.  I feel as if this is an important indicator of the nearness of the emergence of that which you are doing in us from an operation of hiddenness into an operation of openness.


My son, it is discernibly true that the time is near for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit to enliven and empower your life of commitment to service.  It is not possible, however, to reveal beforehand the ways or the timing.  This is according to the Spirit of Truth, the Holy Breath, and Earth-life man knows not which way It blows.  This has to be, for your safeguarding.  If you dont know, the enemy cannot know, either whence the Spirit comes or for where it is headed.

Be thankful for this, for it is according to Papas wisdom and for the well-being of His little ones.  This is why I could not be made aware of the timing of the end when asked by the disciples.  The enemy must be kept guessing as to the time and place of all incursions and infiltrations, especially the major event.  This is for the protection of the troops.  The rules apply for all ranks.

Keep this in your heart and ponder it.  Share such as is made known to you with those of your fellows who are able and willing to receive it.  Remember, I am as close to you as your own thoughts; share them with me openly, for I am trustworthy.  I share with you the mysteries as you are able to receive them.  Never forget, there is a war’ on; the difference in this war is that the outcome is certain.  Nevertheless, each stage of the campaign must be hard won, and because the outcome is certain does not make it less so.  Neither should it be treated lightly.  Evil is evil and needs to be treated with caution, if not respect.  Incline always to me, your C in C.



Holy Communion February 28, 1999


You love the Lord; you love Olga; you love Theresa; you love children; you desire, earnestly, the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth.  So do I.  We have almost everything in common.  Our good fellowship and purpose together is not by chance.


Happy birthday for tomorrow, Rector.  I rejoice in all the wonderful and joyful things of our beloved Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ in which we have shared and been party together: Your bringing me to Olga; the times of sharing and seeking him with her in which you were never far away; my travels in which you were company, which was so real and palpable and without which there would have been no inward peace for me; our marriage, over which you presided and within which you have been always welcome as a true friend far beyond earthly friendships; your stalwart strength; the comfort and assurance of your very presence.  It is my hope that you have known my Love and admiration for you and all you stand for, especially during these recent times when our Lord Jesus has brought me right into the Holy of Holies, into the very presence of Papa and my focus has been so concentrated on Him.


And rightfully so Brian; this is and has always been the objective, for you and for us all, with our Lord.  What else could it have been?

I thank you for your kind words and sentiments.  You and I are kindred spirits Brian; so it was right and proper that we should be at peace in each others presence.  You love the Lord; you love Olga; you love Theresa; you love children; you desire, earnestly, the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth.  So do I.  We have almost everything in common.  Our good fellowship and purpose together is not by chance.

And now?  It is a good indicator of our friendship that without concern for or over it, we can both focus on our separate needs, commitments and endeavours for the Kingdom by drawing closer to Papa.  Thus shall we draw closer to each other.  Thank you for touching my heart.  This is Love.


The following Diary entry was posted on December 13th 2006.


Holy Communion March 7, 1999


If I had not first given all to My firstborn, how could he have come, to bring all to My little ones who had lost all that I had given to them, that was always freely and rightfully theirs?


Papa, I begin to see that unless I, we, each one of your children are willing to open our hearts and souls and lives to receive the Kingdom of your Love, truth, righteousness, wholeness, blessing and abundance of life, you cannot give it to us.


My son, as you observe in creation and in all creatures, unless each organism first receives that which I give: Life, nourishment, nurture, then none is able to pass-on of the good qualities with which I have imbued it for the benefit of other organisms on the path of lifes progress.  If I had not first given all to My firstborn, how could he have come, to bring all to My little ones who had lost all that I had given to them, that was always freely and rightfully theirs?

In innocence they thought more was rightfully theirs and that other than I could give it.  Temptation and seduction, the lie of Satan, caused my little ones to believe the lie and their focus upon the all-sufficiency that I alone, their Eternal Heavenly Father Creator, Am able to Be, was distracted so that they stumbled and fell from My providential Grace.

But it was never My intention to let them go.  It was their free choice.  I knew they would find the lie to be anathema and that My Spirit within them would cause them to come to themselves and desire to return to their Fathers House.

And from the day they left I have had ready the Great Banquet in anticipation of their return, and the unspotted garment, that they might be restored to Sonship.  And the Love of My heart for them has drawn them to remember Me, as I knew always that it would, so that they would long to return to the joyous fellowship of My Household that has always awaited all who venture forth.  Come unto Me, all who hunger and thirst, for the banquet awaits, now, all who will enter in.


The following Diary entries were posted on March 14th 2007.

(Please scroll down for subsequent postings)


Holy Communion March 14, 1999


Espouse the truth and it shall set you free and keep you free.


During the Kingdom prayer I was given the new awareness that it isn’t we who must strive to do good but to be willing for Papa to do good works in/by/with/through us.  Unless we are willing, Papa cannot do them and He cannot uplift, restore, transform us by/through His works in us.  This is just as it was with the Lord Jesus, who said ‘Of myself I can do nothing; who came to be the obedient, willing servant/agent of Papa; through Jesus, Papa did good works because Jesus was willing.  By his willingness the transforming/restoration of his shattered body was possible and only by our willingness will Papa be able to do His good works, and in the process transform/restore/uplift our shattered, worn bodies to the metamorphosed, resurrected state.  Alleluia.

Earlier, as we prayed for a friend, Richard, I saw he was the hapless victim of the enemys talons.  It appeared as a large bird of prey and Richard was pierced through by the talons and was hanging, helpless to release himself.  I found myself prompted to command it by the name, power and authority of Jesus Christ of Nazareth to relinquish its hold on Richard.  This it had to do, and dropped Richard from a great height, cynically expecting that relinquishing its hold would still bring Richard’s downfall to destruction on the rocks, far below.  But instantly the Master was there, holding out his net to catch Richard and bring him safely to him.


My son, this is, as you say, my empowerment of your lives by your desire and faithfulness for rescue work with souls, in the Earth-life, as with departed lost and imprisoned souls.  You have seen a graphic demonstration of the power of Holiness unto the Lord over ungodliness and uncleanness.  This is eternal truth, my son.  Hold fast to this and let it be serviceable for future occasions.  And future occasions there shall be aplenty.  Rejoice at this and all victories over evil and unrighteousness, past, present and yet to come.

Espouse the truth and it shall set you free and keep you free.  I have called Richard by name.  He is my faithful one.  I have work for him.  It shall be accomplished.  I am all sufficiency for him; let him cast out doubt and uncertainty.  All is well.  My word has gone out.  Peace be with you all my children.



Holy Communion March 21, 1999


…because I have called you my friends, I tell you all things.  I withhold nothing because you are trustworthy.  Nevertheless, it must be by conscious asking, seeking and knocking.  This is the true student-teacher relationship. 


Only by allowing Papa to draw your life into alignment with His can you be made whole, in mind, body, soul and spirit.  This is why the children of Earth reel to and fro in sickness.  Self-determination of the blind inevitably leads to the ditch. 


Beloved Lord and Saviour, as I look back reflect upon the events of the last 35 years I marvel, exult, rejoice at the way your mighty hand has been working, leading, guiding, revealing.  You were in charge of my life before ever I was aware of it.


And now that you are aware of it and consciously co-operating with my leading and guiding it has become possible for greater works to be accomplished by, through, in you and your beloveds.  Your conscious awareness is still only partial, just as my apostle wrote long ago, that at this phase of your service you see only in part.  But because I have called you my friends, I tell you all things.  I withhold nothing because you are trustworthy.  Nevertheless, it must be by conscious asking, seeking and knocking.  This is the true student-teacher relationship.  The seeker must progress at the pace with which he is most comfortable and the answers will be revealed according to the ability to assimilate them and benefit from them.  Only then are the answers meaningful or capable of becoming meaningful to the seeker.

I counsel you, my son, let this be for you the guiding principle of your path as others come or are brought by my drawing into fellowship with you.  Did I not say, Seek and ye shall find?  All shall be revealed in response to the quest for eternal truth.  Only by allowing Papa to draw your life into alignment with His can you be made whole, in mind, body, soul and spirit.  This is why the children of Earth reel to and fro in sickness.  Self-determination of the blind inevitably leads to the ditch.  Our eternal heavenly Papa can restore us to eternity because He is the Truth and the Life.  He sent me that His little ones might be led back to the Light of Truth that He placed in me in response to my willingness for it to be so by FTOC.



Holy Communion March 28, 1999


Could Papa and I watch as our little ones suffered the yoke of the enemy's burden?  Ask any mother about the suffering of her children.  How much more does the Source of All  love His children? 


Beloved Lord Jesus, how I love writing to you these letters of my hearts rejoicing in you and being with you in the quietness and stillness of this ritual.  This is much more intimate then e-mail.


My son, this is ‘s’-mail, personal delivery.  Do you think that I suffered (i.e. chose, allowed) the chastisement for redemption without reason?  I tell you most assuredly that it was because of Love.  Could Papa and I watch as our little ones suffered the yoke of the enemys burden?  Ask any mother about the suffering of her children.  How much more does the Source of All Love love His children?  Joy is for sharing.  The joy I had with Papa could not continue by ignoring the plight of my brothers.  Papas Love means freedom, including freedom to choose right or wrong.

When wrong choices are made, hurting results and balance must be restored or all the knock-on effects of karma spiral out of control.

I counsel you my son, have no concern for events outside your control.  All is within my control.  My purposes shall be fulfilled; my power is absolute.  My love is absolute.  Keep focused on me.  Pray for the peace of Jerusalem, the Holy Hill, that her defences suffer no breach.  The gathering darkness is a time of great distress for the lost sheep.  Your prayers help to keep the beacon lit for souls who have wandered far from the pathway.  Let not any details trouble you; only pray, commit and bless.  Let that which is Holy continue Holy, that unholiness cannot come into the Holy Place.

Let your thought be for the day only, not for that which lies ahead.  Look always to me for leadership and direction.  Peace.  Seek always the Peace. 



Holy Communion April 4, 1999  EASTER DAY!!


Each soul is beloved of Heaven for their likeness to Papa.  He will refine them until all the dross is removed and they shall shine with the Light of eternal Truth and all the tears are wiped away.


As I knelt at the beginning a great, joyous shout of praise and thanksgiving rang through all of Heaven: “He is RISEN!  He is RISEN!”

Beloved Lord Jesus, Christ of God, how can I express in words the rejoicing of my heart for the significance and wondrousness of this Days events?  And of my Love and honouring and thanksgiving and praise of you?  Truly, you are worthy of all power and authority under Papa.


My beloved son, this power and authority will not be abused.  It will be wielded with Love and Grace and compassion, and honour for He who has made it possible.  To Him are due the glory, the praise, the thanksgiving.

Have no concern for the dissension caused by any of the enemys divisive schemes.  They are as nothing.  Focus, as always, upon the good aspects of every person and situation and give thanks for them.  Pray that they may be grown by the Good Husbandman for the smothering of all tares.  Each soul is beloved of Heaven for their likeness to Papa.  He will refine them until all the dross is removed and they shall shine with the Light of eternal Truth and all the tears are wiped away.  For all this the price was as nothing.  It has won the devotion and loyalty and faith and commitment of so many to the Great God Purpose.

This is the focus: Victory over the enemy of eternal Truth, father of lies and deception, in whom is no light, love, compassion.  Hold fast to the Victory my son.  It is accomplished by faith and Grace.  All is well.  We go forward.  REJOICE.


The following Diary entries were posted on June 6th 2007.

(Please scroll down for subsequent postings)


Holy Communion April 11, 1999


You have seen my power to remove you from places and circumstances in which you did not belong, so you have no cause to doubt that I am able.  I am able to perform these things in your life because your commitment empowers me.


At the prayer of thanksgiving the words …by this Communion with Christs Spirit we do more clearly discern Thy Truth jumped out and brought discernment that, for us, this Service is the Lords way of bringing discernment of His truth for us.

Beloved Lord, I believe this is your way of affirming our need for one-pointed commitment to this Communion Hour.


My son, I assure you that that in which your mentor was carefully instructed by her Teacher was no coincidence and that her loyal and faithful following was not left to chance.  Need I say that your being brought into fellowship with her was no chance happening either?  All these things were under my authority.

You have experienced the way in which other tables do not satisfy your hungering and thirsting for the Truth, the Banquet, of Heaven, in spite of their loud overtures.  You have seen how by faithful following of this devotional, living procedure, new awareness and understanding has gradually become yours. 

Do you doubt that it is of me?  Have I led you out of this?  Has your adherence caused you to fall out of hearing my speaking and seeing my revealing of the mysteries?  If I did not plan for you to be in this committed activity, would you have remained?  You have seen my power to remove you from places and circumstances in which you did not belong, so you have no cause to doubt that I am able.  I am able to perform these things in your life because your commitment empowers me.

Thus, by your FTOC shall I empower you and continue to empower you.  Keep on in this way and greater revelation shall come to you.  Hold fast.  All shall be revealed that has been kept secret from the clever, the proud and the scornful.  Be of good cheer.



Holy Communion April 18, 1999


Do not let ebb and flow of psychic conditions cause doubt to take hold.  They are as nothing compared with the constancy of fire-realm desires which never fade or wane until all is fulfilled.


Theresa saw a mountainside with souls, victims of the Kosovo terror, wandering lost and bewildered.  We prayed for them and invited them to join us and enter in to receive of the living water and bread of the Lord Jesus.  As I poured the water into the chalice it was as if, for them, there was a much more mighty outpouring of Living Waters, which attracted the attention of them all.  As I said “… and this fruit of the vine…” one of them, a man about 30-35 rushed forward from the crowd and said, “I am a vine grower”.  I said to him, “Come and join yourself to the Lord’s Vine that you may bear much fruit for him”.

Beloved Lord Jesus, all these people and all these terrible circumstances are victims of the enemy’s evil works.  Thank you with all my heart that you have overcome and are, even now, bringing, offering, real, meaningful deliverance from all its hatefulness.


My son, this deliverance has come from Papa.  He has empowered me to bring it and offer it to all who will receive of it.  The harvest is great, the labourers few.  By your labours many souls can be delivered.  Keep on in this way my son, that the desire of your heart for truth, peace, justice, goodwill may be fulfilled for many.  Give way only to this strong desire, my son, for it is serviceable to the Deliverer.  Pray according to your desire.


Lord, will you grow and strengthen my desire and never let the enemy quench it or bury it in apathy or distraction?


My son, this shall never be.  Your commitment is according to your birth vision.  It is well rooted in the Kingdom and the Kingdom is inevitable.  Hold fast to this.  Do not let ebb and flow of psychic conditions cause doubt to take hold.  They are as nothing compared with the constancy of fire-realm desires which never fade or wane until all is fulfilled.



Holy Communion April 25, 1999


Ask and ask again and again, and keep asking.  And having asked, expect to receive.  I tell you it is the lie of satan that causes the children of Earth to not expect to receive Papa's good gifts.  What kind of faith is that?


Precious Lord, this is a testing time of conflicting energies and distractions and my beloved dragged/weighed down by a prolonged spell of painful and debilitating M.E. conditions.  I pray for your strength to uphold us and help us to hold fast and endure.


My son, your holding fast is my concern; ask and you shall receive.  ‘Fallen’ man is in a place or condition whereby the knowledge of good and evil is the process by which they think learning and growing take place.  Until I have completed my work for Papa in redeeming, lifting you up and restoring you to the estate of eternal Oneness with Him in His Kingdom, this will continue to be so. 

But help, my help, Papa’s help and that of the Breath,* shall always be freely given in response to your asking.  Have no concern for the asking.  Does your grandson hold back from asking?  I think not!  Is his request too much for you?  I say to you most assuredly that none of the needs and desires of your heart in the Earth-life or beyond are beyond Our ability to provide. 

Ask and ask again and again and keep asking.  It is Our good pleasure to fulfil your hearts desire.  And having asked, expect to receive.  Does your grandson expect a biscuit or even two when he asks? 

I tell you it is ‘the lie of satan’ that causes the children of Earth to not expect to receive Papa's good gifts.  What kind of faith is that?  Many times you have seen your request fulfilled.  Let it be according to His timing but expect it to be fulfilled.  So shall your faith grow and enable you to receive more.  Can large gifts be placed upon small faith?  So let Papa grow your faith by fulfilling your requests and petitions.  Be joyful.  It is accomplished.


* The Breath here refers to the Holy Breath, an alternative name used by Jesus for the Holy Spirit.



Holy Communion May 2, 1999


Pray and bless, Love and engender compassion for your fellows under the yoke of the enemy.  There, but for My Grace, go you.


Heavenly Papa, the wonder of the events unfolding in our lives right now, by Your Grace, are beyond my ability to put into words.  Nevertheless Papa, in my heart I offer the fullness of my thanksgiving and I rejoice that You have performed all the transforming and purifying of our lives in secret, away from the deluded world.  May all the desires of our hearts (my beloved and me) be fulfilled for the glorification of Your Holy Name and for the saving of Your little ones from the yoke of slavery.


My beloved son, you begin to perceive, by the growth of your faith, that all is by My Spirit, all by Faith, Trust, Obedience and Commitment is available to you when you have submitted your leasehold to Me, and only by this submission can such power and riches be entrusted into the care of My children.  You also perceive that it is My desire to withhold nothing from the faithful and the pure in heart.

Keep yourself Holy unto the Lord in all things and you shall be bestowed with all the power of Holiness.  Therein is all power for accomplishment.  Without such commitment is shortfall from fulfilment, death, destruction, embitterment, the drying up of the springs of sweet water rising up unto eternal life and joy, and the putrefying waters of Mara manifesting in their place.

Pray and bless, Love and engender compassion for your fellows under the yoke of the enemy.  There, but for My Grace, go you.  Pray also for your beloved.  Surround her with your tender Love and blessing.  She shall shortly rise up into the light of day, freed from the curse of generations, by her faith and trust in Me.  All is well My son.  Peace and joy and abundance of life and blessings be with you.  Your desires are sweet aromas to My nostrils.


The following Diary entries were posted on September 5th 2007.

(Please scroll down for subsequent postings)


Holy Communion May 16, 1999


Doubt is the deception of the enemy.  Only believe and you shall see.  I am with you always, and shall never leave you or forsake you.  I am your strength in all adversity.  Lean on me.  I am able to uphold you, but I can do this only for he who leans on me.


Beloved Lord Jesus, I pray, not to know when Papa will release my beloved and me from the conditions which are restricting us, but for your strength to provide us with the endurance to hold fast to you, in FTO and commitment to your Great Rescue Programme.


My son, whatever cause-and-effect conditions apply in the earthly life the domain of the enemy, the prince of time and place by the Power of the Spirit of Truth, the very Breath of God our eternal Papa, all things can be used for outworking other good purposes, as an energy exchanger.  Yes, the condition will still be experienced and have its impact on the life of the person concerned, but by faith and commitment holding fast the metamorphosis can and will be effected.  It is absolute law of Papas Kingdom.

Therefore, my son, I say to you and your beloved, as I say to all who have taken the downward journey into the domain of the evil one, hold fast; your faith shall make you whole.  Let your focus upon this be sharpened.  Ask, and continue to ask, of me.  It shall not be denied you.  When the time of release comes, you (plural) will be able to rejoice at the many energy-exchange ramifications and transformations and you (plural) shall be able to help many of your fellows along the path of eternal progress by your increased understanding and empowerment.

I counsel you: hold fast; focus on the God of Grace, Whose good pleasure it is to give you the Kingdom, to make new, to restore the fallen caterpillar to the fullness, beauty and glory of its rightful estate of butterflydom.

Doubt is the deception of the enemy.  Only believe and you shall see.  I am with you always and shall never leave you or forsake you.  I am your strength in all adversity.  Lean on me.  I am able to uphold you but I can do this only for he who leans on me.





Holy Communion May 30, 1999


My son, I lead, do thou follow.  I have assured you that all is within my care and my activities are from the within into the without.  The foundation must first be laid before the building of the superstructure can commence.


Beloved Lord Jesus, I feel a powerful sense that something under your empowerment and authority is about to come into operation within our lives.


My son, I lead, do thou follow.  I have assured you that all is within my care and my activities are from the within into the without.  The foundation must first be laid before the building of the superstructure can commence.  That foundation, if not firmly set in place, allowed to settle and become consolidated, cannot adequately support the structure which is to be set upon it, that the children of Earth may be instructed and enlightened, and that Papas name may be glorified.  

So, while the foundation is becoming settled and consolidated, do thou watch and wait, that your Lord may occupy with his works and that when he comes he might so find you watching and waiting and may seat you at his banquet table and serve you from his selection of many fine and tasty delicacies, to satisfy all the needs and all the senses and for the benefit of all who will receive from my storehouse and my bounty.

Watch and wait.  All things come to those who wait.  They also serve who only stand and wait, and the service is acceptable because it is according to the desire of a pure heart.  I will accomplish.  Be not anxious for the building work to commence but rather concern yourself with the foundation being first laid securely according to the Master Plan.  Then, I assure you, all shall be constructed to His Glory, in His Name.  Have no fear, all is well.  I am with you, my son and my beloved daughter.  Peace, be still and wait, rejoicing.


The following Diary entries were posted on December 12th 2007.

(Please scroll down for subsequent postings)


Holy Communion, June 20, 1999


…you, and all who would gladly receive, shall grow in the wholeness, the restorative Light of Grace.  This shall be for your own benefit, for your increase in ability to extend this to your fellows and for the honour and glory of the Holy One.


Beloved Lord and Saviour Jesus, thank you for the inspiration of the Holy Breath that we must “Claim” the free gifts that Papa, by Grace, through Faith in you, proffers for our acceptance.


My son, this is so because it is necessary to respond to Papas offer, to take affirmative action, to demonstrate your willingness to receive.  It shows your forward movement into His presence, His Grace, His Light and truth.

Envision, if you will, the reaction of any of your fellows or loved ones to an act of giving, to the offering of a gift.  Will they not make some affirmative act of receiving?  It does not need a physical motion but is an act of the soul in response to the act of Grace.  It could be a smile and an appreciative gesture of body language.  I counsel you, let your claiming be more positive and definitive because you have been brought back, restored, presented as worthy, and the gifts of Papa are yours because by his Grace you are accepted as worthy of his gifts.  Step forward boldly to claim them, with thanksgiving and humility.  Let there not be hesitation, for other might seize the moment and usurp your crown, your trophy, your gift of Grace and Love.*

By this focus upon affirmative response shall you and all who would gladly receive grow in the wholeness, the restorative light of Grace.  This shall be for your own benefit, for your increase in ability to extend this to your fellows and for the honour and glory of the Holy One.

Peace be with you my children; all is well.


*This indicates that if we hesitate to accept that which is rightfully ours, ego could readily take the place of God’s Grace in our life, keeping us in the hovel of time and place.  It is, of course, from ego’s hold that God’s Grace, in the form of Jesus/the Holy Breath, will enable our escape back to the Palace of Eternity.



Holy Communion June 27, 1999


…have no concern for any individual step being not perfectly aligned with my leading, but be assured that the overall direction of your journey is by my drawing and I will make all appropriate adjustments.  I assure you, my son, that I am helmsman, pilot and navigator, in accord with all power and all authority vested in me by the Holy One.


Beloved Lord, I feel as if your purposes in the Great Rescue Programme are near to manifestation here in my Earth-life awareness, so that at last, I shall be able to share with my fellows all that you are making known to me. 


My son, you asked me to lead you in these things and to make known, reveal, open your eyes, to the reality behind the words; to bring to your awareness discernment of the order of the last days events.  You also remember that I have said Papa always hears your prayers and always answers freely, lovingly, immediately.  I counsel you now, trust this Truth.  All things entrusted to Him are brought to fulfilment.  Before you call He has already made provision for His answer.  Take one step at a time; let the compass of your hearts desire for my leading keep you journeying in my direction, following me.  I counsel you to have no concern for any individual step being not perfectly aligned with my leading, but to be assured that the overall direction of your journey would be by my drawing and that I would make all appropriate adjustments.  I assure you my son that I am helmsman, pilot* and navigator, in accord with all power and all authority vested in me by the Holy One.

I counsel you: continue in this way, with this Holy ritual of my ordaining; keep your heart and all your senses attuned to my calling.  Have no concern for details; they shall be made known to you by the Breath according to your need and your hearts desire.

All is well.  Peace, be still.  Rejoice and let your light shine for your fellows.


*Pilot: a person with local knowledge, qualified to take charge of a ship entering harbour.


The following Diary entries were posted on March 12th 2008.

(Please scroll down for subsequent postings)


Holy Communion July 18, 1999


My son, as you know in your heart, seek to respond to opportunities to share of the living bread and wine; do not seek to create such.  Rather, let your desire be for such free giving.  Give free rein to that, but by adopting the principle of only responding, this will enable me to do the creating of opportunity.


Beloved Lord and Saviour Jesus, I feel so eager to share of your good gifts of the spirit, your word of Truth and wisdom and Light with whosoever will receive of it.  Please help me to keep the rein on me tight so that I dont bewilder and frighten them with more than they are able to receive.


My son, as you know in your heart, seek to respond to opportunities to share of the living bread and wine; do not seek to create such.  Rather, let your desire be for such free giving.  Give free rein to that, but by adopting the principle of only responding, this will enable me to create opportunity.  Do not be downcast by your extreme zeal and ardour to share.  I do assure you that I am creating opportunities for you.  These will come upon you soon enough, but like all that is of the Kingdom, they must grow as a grain of mustard seed.  It is the life within that is the Spirit of the Father which unfolds and outworks, just as you see with and in all His creation.

Those who, in readiness to go forward upon the secret path, have been or will yet be brought into contact with you for harmonising with my purposes, will not be frightened off, but the nursing little one is not able to assimilate the Word of Truth in its more elevated form the hidden manna and this will cause indigestion of the soul.  I counsel you; respond as each cry for sustenance indicates, not as you may think you are ready to give.



Holy Communion August 1, 1999


The mystical path you have chosen is right for you, because you are comfortable upon it.  How can this be wrong?  You have chosen the direct route, VIA Jesus, My anointed messenger.  How can you want for more; how can you imagine there is better? 


Heavenly Papa, it is a comfort that I, we, anyone can only go forward from the place where we are.


My son, it is also possible only to go forward from that place along the pathway that unfolds before you one step at a time.  That path is your path, between where you are and where I AM.  The path of others is, by definition, their path, and NOT yours.  That does not mean you are prohibited from reading or hearing about it, but if you are where you are, how can you be somewhere else?  Those who try, who repeatedly uproot and replant themselves in an alien place end up losing their WAY, becoming lost, confused, bewildered, directionless.  

That which is for you is for you.  You do not, cannot, know who else belongs on the path along which I am leading you.  Why try to search them out?  I have told you I will bring them to you.  Is this not easier for you?  Relax, be faithful to that which I have revealed to you, one-pointed in your commitment to it.  Can you travel more than one pathway, one direction at a time?  The mystical path you have chosen is chosen because it is right for you, because you are comfortable upon it.  How can this be wrong?  Of course in an omni-dimensional universe there are many other paths, directions and many ways to follow.  You have chosen the direct route, VIA Jesus, My anointed messenger.  How can you want for more; how can you imagine there is better?  I counsel you, travel your path with him and with Peace, Harmony, Balance also as your companions of the Way.  I am able to provide all sufficiency for all who Trust in Me.


The following Diary entries were posted on June 4th 2008.

(Please scroll down for subsequent postings)


Holy Communion August 15, 1999 


Let that which I have given to you be serviceable to you, and use what you are able from My gifts to give to others, as they will give to you from My gifts to them.  Give freely and gladly; receive gladly what is able to bring enlightenment and comfort, as others will do with your offerings to them.


Beloved Papa, my centres are receiving so much new awareness and awakening and so many new experiences are being downloaded into our lives right in this glorious NOW moment that I am reeling!


My son, hold fast.  Hold onto Me as a hand rail.*  When such ground-shaking momentum causes upheaval, it is best to hold onto something like This and allow adjustment to take place.  You will not make the adjustment; you will become accustomed to the adjustments.  Go nowhere until you are now here with Me; until you and I are vibrating together, as One, you and your Hand Rail.  Then the seasickness will subside and your sea legs will have become adjusted and you will be able to walk.

Remember that you go forward one step at a time from the place where you are.  Remember also that My gifts to you are not one and the same as My gifts to others.  Let that which I have given to you be serviceable to you, and use what you are able from My gifts to give to others, as they will give to you from My gifts to them.  Give freely and gladly; receive gladly what is able to bring enlightenment and comfort, as others will do with your offerings to them.

That which you do has been your source of enlightenment.  It has been serviceable in discipling you.  I counsel you to remain faithful until the end, the completion, the fulfilment of what I have purposed in it.  All is well.


* As He said this I saw me, on a fluid, roiling surface, like molten lava, flowing fast over uneven ground, struggling to keep my balance and remain standing.  Protruding from the ‘lava’ was a handrail made from two uprights connected by a horizontal rail.  It was moving with the flow but in itself was utterly solid and I was able to hold onto it so that although it and I were moving with the flow, it kept me steady and securely upright.  The handrail was the living Papa.



Holy Communion August 22, 1999


…even those who saw only the broad highway and tried to force you down it, were servants of the Holy One


Beloved Lord Jesus, thank you for being.  Thank you for loving.  Thank you for befriending.  For coming to show us (all) the Way, for being the Way, back to Papa.  For bringing the awakening into our lives.  I Love you.  I see this, the fulfilment of my heart’s desire, beginning its unfolding before us, now.  We can, we choose, we desire to bring into manifestation this vision, to give it to others, so that we can give it to ourselves.


My son, the moment when all this was able to begin, to germinate, was when you awakened to the realisation that a leap of faith was necessary.  This opened the flow, and began the processes which have brought to you this — truly your own — vision.  You have always had the vision and this is why you have done all that you have done — all that has been your life’s path.  All have been stepping stones that have been serviceable in bringing you to this place.  Do not despise any of these experiences; all have brought an awakening of your grand design, your heart’s desire. 

Accept them; receive them as gifts to you from those who were sent to show you the path.  For even those who saw only the broad highway and tried to force you down it, were servants of the Holy One; there for you, demonstrating for your free selection, what was yours to try, to choose, to experience, to select or to reject as not reflecting who you are, or in truth who you have always been; who you are, once more, becoming.

Now the adventure begins and the screen is widened* for your greater enjoyment of this your new creation.  New because it begins to become, to unfold, for you, but not new because it has always been yours.  Enjoy!


*I saw myself sitting in a cinema and the main feature was about to begin.  As I looked at the screen it widened before my eyes from “B feature” width to full cinemascope width, thus enabling me to see and take in more of what was unfolding before me, and thus allow me to discern a bigger picture.


The following Diary entry was posted on October 8th 2008.

(Please scroll down for subsequent postings)


Holy Communion September 19, 1999


My son, because the condition of humanity in the Earth is one of (spiritual) blindness, first faith blind but absolute is required, for your leading unswervingly on the path of Truth. Then, assuredly will the Light of Truth illumine your sight, bringing you true vision.


Beloved Papa, I truly begin to experience the Truth, the Reality, the Wholeness in which we have believed, kept faith by blind one-pointedness and commitment to You through Your most beloved, anointed messenger, who we love and cherish above all: Jesus/Yeshua.


My son, because the condition of humanity in the Earth is one of (spiritual) blindness, first faith blind but absolute is required, for your leading unswervingly on the path of Truth. Then, assuredly will the Light of Truth illumine your sight, bringing you true vision.  Because you have followed faithfully, one step at a time, so does your journey bring you to the Hill of the Lord.  Thereon lies greater vision of Earth and of Heaven.  For atop this Hill come together Earth and Heaven.  Then once the vision has become assimilated into the wakefulness and perceived as the reality, attainable by all who hold fast, believing shall such a faithful one be enabled to bring that reality down from the mountain top into the valley and establish it there for the entertaining and revivifying of parched and hungering souls for whom the rains have failed, and the crops withered, and the river of the waters of life has run dry.

First, this shall be as the dew; then shall the mist and the shower become a downpouring.  Then shall the glorious sunshine (Sonshine) irradiate the fructifying soil of the hearts and souls of the faint and weary; and newness of life shall burst forth.  And sustenance, full measure pressed down, shall become the reward and the treasure of all who gladly will receive of it.  Thus shall the Living Word of Truth become flesh again, manifest in all My children who will receive of it and freely bring it forth, an offering fit and pleasing for He who is the giver of all life.  Full circle.


The following Diary entry was posted on March 18th 2009.

(Please scroll down for subsequent postings)


Holy Communion October 3, 1999


... (with you and Me) together, as one, My beloved, all things are possible.  I say to you: never limit yourself.  Why should you?  All is yours by oneness with Me.  This is a state of being, of becoming, of awareness, of awakening.  It already is.  Allow it, accept it, act as if, grow it.


Beloved Papa, the events of recent weeks have focussed my heart and mind upon the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth and how We, together, can create, call into creation, the desire of Our hearts.  Papa, the KOHOE is our desire, together, for of myself I can do nothing.


But together, as one, My beloved, all things are possible.  I say to you: never limit yourself.  Why should you?  All is yours by oneness with Me.  This is a state of being, of becoming, of awareness, of awakening.  It already is.  Allow it, accept it, act as if, grow it.  Doubt dismantles. Faith creates, by desire.  Put upon, take upon, receive upon yourself, the mantle of creativity, of creating.  You have already seen the growth of your faith in your readiness to receive.  Allow it free rein.  Do not hold back by doubt.  It is not of the mind or of the understanding but of the DESIRE.  Do you desire it?  So shall it be unto you.

Have you not heard that by circumstances outside your conscious control all would progress?  So is it when a woman builds a baby in her womb.  Have you noticed how a woman desires to have a baby?  Her desire calls it into creation.  It is her creative desire that brings forth the new life.  So is it with you, My son.  So is it with Us.  Let Us call it forth, the KOHOE, into creation by Our desire.  Let Us do this together, for together there is nothing We cannot accomplish.  Come, let Us experience the KOHOE, and much, much more, without end, even as it is without beginning, for it has always been, you and I, together, as one.


The following Diary entry was posted on December 31st 2008.

(Please scroll down for subsequent postings)


Holy Communion October 10, 1999


My son, the Kingdom of Heaven is a state of being.  It has nothing to prove to anyone.  It is available, freely, to all who are desirous to be with it, to have oneness with its resonance.  Those who do not desire it are not ready for it.  It is therefore, to them, undesirable


There is no compulsion; stewardship is by desire.

Papa, I see I have been too concerned about proving the reality of the Kingdom to the world.  And now, thank You for reminding me that with You Us there is no need for proving but that rather, We, together can look at what is happening, unfolding, and if the world wishes to know about it, that is their free choice.


My son, the Kingdom of Heaven is a state of Being.  It has nothing to prove to anyone.  It is available, freely, to all who are desirous to be with it, to have oneness with its resonance.  Those who do not desire it are not ready for it.  It is therefore, to them, undesirable.  Would you endeavour to give, to press upon your fellows, that which is undesirable to them?  This is, as you well know, the cause of much of the trouble in the Earth.  I counsel you, therefore, concern yourself with your hearts desire.  Is it not the Kingdom of Heaven upon the Earth?  Is it your job to press your fellows into it or simply awaken to the place of oneness with it for you? and your fellows if they will share its inexhaustible bounty with you?

I counsel you, also, occupy with your desire and let the Spirit of Truth, Which draweth all things, work in you to attract all who are in harmony with your aspirations and your hearts desire.  Seek within for illumination and guiding.  Seek not to draw crowds.  This is not a sideshow.  All shall be fulfilled according to the spirit and the unfolding of the path of righteousness.  See thou to the path.  Others, therefore, may follow according to their readiness, not yours.

All is well, My son.  We go forward together, as One. Therefore, rejoice.   


The following Diary entry was posted on May 19th 2009.

(Please scroll down for subsequent postings)


Holy Communion October 17, 1999


The KOH has much to give; receive it freely my son, so that you in turn can give freely to those you have drawn around you by like and complementary desire.


Papa, please help me to maintain focus and balance in the awareness that the KOH is, and comes from, within, so that outward changes in our circumstances do not cause us to be swept off the path which unfolds before us, one step at a time, from the within, which is according to Your leading.


My beloved, this is what all the years of preparation have been about.  It has been needful that you learn from experience the true values and principles of life.  They have been graphic, have they not?  Do you think you will easily erase them from your memory?  Do you desire so to do?  Or do you choose to allow them to be for you exercises in recognition of purpose and direction?

I tell you of a surety, changes in the without of your life your lives are, and will be, an outworking of all that has been sown within.  The situation as you perceive it has been and is one of your own creation.  Allow it to flow forth unfettered, freely into your awareness.  There is much to achieve, much to share, much to experience.  The KOH has much to give; receive it freely, My son, so that you in turn can give freely to those you have drawn around you by like and complementary desire.  Now is a time of fruition, and so all the preparatory work will seem to suddenly explode into your reality.  Be assured, all is from within.  You have not grasped and taken; you have made yourself ready to receive the fruits of your labours in due season.  Do thou receive gladly and rejoicing.  Alleluia!


The following Diary entry was posted on July 22nd 2009.

(Please scroll down for subsequent postings)


Holy Communion October 24, 1999


Hold fast to Me.  Allow My embrace, My cuddles, My Loving away your fear into Love and peace and joy and fulfilment.  All is according to My outworking of your desire for the Kingdom.


It is the place where you are that counts.  Focus on the place where you are in relation to the creative power of My Creation.  If others are not at that place of harmony and oneness with the All, that is not your concern, for the Kingdom is within you.  Seek it there, not in what others are experiencing.  Each is called to serve according to his readiness and his faithfulness.

Examine the path by which your Lord has led you.  Is it not right for you?  Shall it not lead to fulfilment of your hearts desire?  Focus on the Kingdom, for that is your great desire.  How can your desire become reality if you do not focus upon it coming into your reality?

At the place of coming together of adversity with opportunity stands the great transforming power: Faith.  It is not an act of conscious will, any more than a baby growing within the mother is an act of conscious will, or you digesting your food, or growing your hair or nails.  It is an accepting of the Creative Power within you bringing good from evil, light from darkness, truth from untruth.  Harmonising your life with that Creative Power by FTOC according to your degree of readiness brings you into alignment, onto the wavelength of that Creativity, so that all can be brought into reality for you according to your desire.


Precious, beloved Papa, Holy of Holies, how my heart cleaves unto You, espouses Your wondrous ways of eternal truth and fulfilment.  How I thank You for all that You are bringing to pass in our lives.  Keep us in faith; feed, nourish, sustain and support us always and all ways in Your livingness, Your steadfastness, Papa; without You I cannot remain, endure unto the end.


Keep on keeping on.  Hold fast to Me.  Allow My embrace, My cuddles, My Loving away your fear into Love and peace and joy and fulfilment.  All is according to My outworking of your desire for the Kingdom.


The following Diary entry was posted on September 30th 2009.

(Please scroll down for subsequent postings)


Holy Communion October 31, 1999


I counsel you, now, as always, take each day at a time and each moment at a time.  Have I not assured you that the Creative Power attends to the outworking of all all details according to the desire of your heart?


Papa, thank You for all Your continuing awakenings in our lives, by Your loving presence bringing new awarenesses of truth and understanding into my mind.  I realise today that true restoration must come from the place where that which has been lost has gone, like unscrupulousness and wrongdoing.


My son, if that which is yours is taken and placed in a hole in the ground, it can only be restored to you by retrieving it from that place.  Otherwise only a substitute can be given to you in place of that which was always, rightfully, yours.  If you have been assured of a restoration, or a restitution, it need not concern you the how or the where.  Suffice it to know that balance is restored and that All is according to principles of eternal truth.  Give thanks and be joyful.  Let it be for you an opportunity to invest in giving for the help and upliftment of all who are willing to receive of this providential grace.

I counsel you, now, as always, take each day at a time and each moment at a time.  Have I not assured you that the Creative Power attends to the outworking of all all details according to the desire of your heart?  You need have concern only for that desire.  Allow it unfettered, unrestricted freedom for your highest vision, to enable all to be fulfilled in and for you.  Be true to yourself, your beloved, Me, US and to all your fellows, that no shadows of doubt may enter in and cause weakness to the transformation process adversity into fulfilment, by FAITH.

So shall perfect creation and fulfilment be yours/Ours.


The following Diary entry was posted on November 25th 2009.


Holy Communion December 19, 1999


Jesus came to bring the lost sheep back to the fold, which I Am, to be enfolded in the oneness again to show them the way and to carry those who need carrying because he is Love and compassion and caring. 


Papa, I Love you, you know that.


Yes, and I Love you.


I love Jesus too, you know that.


I am glad you Love him.  I am glad you have studied his life and followed him.  He came I sent him, but he willed, desired, chose to, could not not come to restore you to central, core, complete remembrance.  That is what he has done, that is what he is doing.  That is his desire, as it is Mine: to set his brethren My children free.  Free of bondage to ignorance and fear, due to forgetfulness of who they are.  Yet they seek the truth without the help of My messenger, who knows the way, who is the way, and this drives them into deeper confusion in the wilderness of separateness.

Jesus came to bring the lost sheep back to the fold, which I Am, to be enfolded in the oneness again to show them the way and to carry those who need carrying because he is Love and compassion and caring.  Following, Loving, emulating him has served, and will serve, you well; it has already brought you back to Me and I now enfold you in My arms and in My heart, again J.  

Now is the moment, the opportunity for you to fulfil your hearts desire.  All that has gone before has been preparation for this.  There have been no accidents, coincidences or chance occurrences.

Remember to take one step, one moment, one event, one day at a time.  Each is a creative building block and enables the next to be laid, placed, upon it.  You build a building by laying one brick, or block, at a time.  Remember that you are the bricklayer; I hold the blueprint.  Our blueprint.  You lay bricks.  I will guide you where to lay each one at every event, every opportunity.  Together we will build, are building, a beautiful house.

If you allow fear to enter the cementing process it will weaken the structure and the structure could collapse of uncertainty, of doubt.  This need never happen because, by trust in Me the Source of creation, of creativity the structure will always be unfailingly sound, will always be beautiful beyond your present imagining, and will always be according to the blueprint: perfect.  If you have anxiety that the structure may not be as the blueprint it causes confusion, separateness; but trust enables the faith to outwork the opportunity, to transform the adversity into the fulfilment.

Stick with Me, kid, together we will fulfil your hearts desire and beyond!


Faint not, nor fear, My arms are near.

I change not and you are dear;

Only believe and you will see,

I Am all in all to thee.


The following Diary entry was posted on January 13th 2010.


Holy Communion December 26, 1999


Your desire for righteousness and truth and simplicity are fully known to Me.  They are powerful defences and catalysts in the transforming, awakening process.  They will not fail you.


Precious Papa, thank you for all the help You give in seeing through the illusions of this world, like ‘the mammon of unrighteousness’; and that by faith, great adversity can be transformed into great opportunity for the Kingdom.


My son, beloved and faithful one; your desire for righteousness and truth and transparency are fully known to Me.  They are powerful defences, and catalysts in the transforming, awakening process.  They will not fail you.  It is important that you recognise them for what they are and allow them prominence in your awareness.  They are the points of interface between us.  They will not fail US.  Remember, you and I are One in this.  There is nothing that will harm Us, for I Am (One) with you.  Hold fast; remain focused on your great desire for the Kingdom.  Let that which has been revealed to you be the core of your trust.  Remember also that by your desire for oneness with Me each moment, you are enabled, empowered to follow the ‘blueprint’.  Keep in mind that any small deviations are not disastrous; that they can and will be incorporated safely and successfully into the pattern of the journey, adding beauty and greater glory to its serviceability; for all things work for good for those who Love Me and seek the Kingdom.

I Am always with you.  I will never forsake you in all that you do.  You are precious and honoured in My sight, and I Love you.

Breathe-in My peace.  Let it envelop you, within and around you.  Let its comfort permeate every cell, every thought, every moment.  All is well.  Doubt not; but any doubts that do arise, continue to give to Me. This is beneficial practice, for I will give you inner certainty in exchange. 


I love you Papa.



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